Personal Finance Blogging in Poetic Verse? Yup.
My life has been a hectic one lately, our second baby was welcomed into the world and I have been extra busy with things related to work. Also, much of my spare time I have used on my side hustle of reselling on eBay. The result is that my blogging has suffered. I have some articles bouncing around in my head that I think you all will enjoy, I just have to find some time to get them written down.
I think most of us can relate to being pulled in many different directions at once.
So while I don’t have an in-depth article for you to read right now, I heard that it was national poetry month. Now I am not usually one to do things for these national months but I would like to share some of my poetry I have written a few months back.
I have written poems of varying quality and subject matter. If this is well received I will share a few more with all of you that stop by.
I find writing poetry to be quite a frugal activity. It’s free!
My wife enjoys my original love poems that I write for her. A gift straight from within myself. If you are looking for a cheap way to give a gift, might I suggest taking up poetry? Who knows what wonderful words will flow from within you when you actually give it a try. I am the furthest from a poet, but some of my work has come out beautifully.
This poem is simply called ‘Debt’
If your television and sofa are trash
They will still be better than any new set
Unless you pay fully in cash.
Don’t go buying larger, donate to goodwill.
A big house unpaid for in all kinds of weather
Just ends up sending your warm heart a chill.
A new wardrobe will cost you a mint.
Rock that style instead of buying a look for no reason.
In expensive clothes if you know you’re in debt.
You might get some compliments from those that you meet,
But will you still feel good when they’re not paid for yet?
Something nice as you roll down the pavement.
But I know that your paycheck won’t go as far
Once you notice that high monthly payment.
But I know some of you doubt it.
Listen to me folks, hear what I tell you.
I have lived it and know all about it.
Spend your pounds and dollars are you please,
But always remember those in debt have to pay.
Servants of their boss, their jobs – never at ease.
Its links all corrosion and rust.
Call it what you will – it’s the furthest from gold.
For a better life, cast it aside in disgust.
Though their heart may be honest and true.
Can they hold up their head and look brave,
When a bill they can’t pay comes due?
It will just fill your life with sorrow.
When your landlord knocks at the door
Stating you’ll be evicted tomorrow.

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Mrs. Picky Pincher
April 18, 2017 at 6:09 am (UTC -7) Link to this comment
Hey, snaps for you for writing this! Awesome way to combine a hatred of debt and a love of poetry. 😉
Mrs. Picky Pincher recently posted…What A Frugal Weekend!
April 18, 2017 at 9:09 pm (UTC -7) Link to this comment
Thanks Mrs. Picky Pincher, I will tell the troubles of debt in any way that I am able. Thanks for stopping by, I really must find time to visit and read up on what you have been up to. Just have been so busy lately.
Nova Cash Flow Finance
September 18, 2018 at 5:31 pm (UTC -7) Link to this comment
I definitely like this poem. I think that a lot of people can relate to this. There came a point in my life too that I was burden to debt too. I rise up again and fix my finances and forget about debts. Debt will never do good in our life.
Nova Business
February 3, 2019 at 5:22 pm (UTC -7) Link to this comment
This poem is really good. Debtors must really read this. I also think that debt is really bad for our finances and we must really should do our best to avoid it. Thanks for sharing this article.
Debtor Finance
July 1, 2019 at 5:05 pm (UTC -7) Link to this comment
I can relate to this. Debts gave me difficulties. I also believe that it is not good for our finances and definitely affects our daily lives. This article is very helpful. Thanks for sharing this article.